VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an encrypted connection from devices to a public network. It helps to send and receive data across shared or public network and allow users to conduct work remotely. VPN technology is widely used in all the corporate world and here in Windows 10, this technology is free to use and connect. Know how you can connect VPN in Windows 10.

There are many VPN provider in the world and you can use the VPN on your Windows 10 device by simply download the VPN’s app from Windows Store and install it. But nowadays there is one another option available to use Windows 10’s built-in VPN client.
May be it’s a little bit sound tricky process that’s why I have created this article in to two main components :
- Creating a VPN profile
- Connecting to the VPN.
Let’s get start now the Step by Step guide for setting up VPN on Windows 10.
What you’ll need is to choose which VPN services to connect to. You will have to choose which server is about to connect. Just one thing would like to say no matter which server you choose just keep an eye for any red flags which will indicate you a less than private service.
Protocol choice: While you will start setup the VPN on your Windows 10 device there will be a popup open about protocol and you need to choose the protocol fromt the list of protocol. Protocol will help you to determine the strength of the encrypted connection. There are many types of Protocols available and its depend upon which VPN you are using it. So they will provide you some list of Protocols which you need to select some of the most common protocol are PPTP, L2TP/IPSec, SSTP and OpenVPN. You have to add the protocol during setup and your VPN provider will tell you which protocol you will have to use.
Now How to Create a VPN Profile and Connect to your Windows 10 device.
Step 1: Right Click on Start button and select Settings from the menu that will appear.

Step 2: Click Network & Internet and then select VPN from the list of options from the right side.

Step 3: Click to add a VPN Connection.

Step 4: So here under VPN Provider you need to click on drop-down menu and select Windows (built-in feature) VPN.
Step 5: Here you need to type the name of the particular connection. Just for your convenience try to create a VPN which is easily recognized as a VPN. For eg. If you are using ExpressVPN and you want a connection to connect to London Server then keep the name of the connection like “ExpressVPN, London Server”
Step 6: At the Name Server and address field just type actual address of the name server you are going to connect. Your VPN provider will be able to provide you that information. It look like a website URL with some alphanumeric string of 5-6 digits.
Step 7: In VPN type select protocol which will be given by your VPN service provider.
Step 8: In Type of Sign-in info dropdown menu, Select how you are going to sign in to your VPN connection. Just for your info different – different VPN providers have different – different way of method to sign in. Mostly they will provide you a sign in User Name and password. So If you will select this method means you have to login to your VPN services again and again whenever you will connect with the VPN.
Step 9: Now Click on Save button. Your VPN profile is created now. Now Connect and enjoy your journey.
Step 10: Now select the VPN you have newly create from Network & Internet setting page. it will appear as “ExpressVPN, London Server”. Just select and click to connect.
Conclusion : We know there are some thing you will miss from other features which is generally provided by other VPN provider’s downloadable application but you have option to greater control on your connection, If you will use Windows 10 default VPN and you also have additional security which you won’t get from other software provider.